If you own a car, you owe it to yourself to sign up for a jump-start service. If your battery is in good condition, you might not think you need a jump-start service, or you might think jump-start services are only for problems with your battery. That's not the case though. There can be other reasons why your car won't start. Some of them are going to require a jump-start to get your car going again. Read the list provided below. If you're faced with any of these problems, you're going to need a jump-start service.
Your Fuel Lines Are Frozen
If you live in an area that gets freezing temperatures, the fuel lines on your car will freeze from time to time. During the winter, moisture can build up inside the fuel lines. This is especially true when you don't maintain a full gas tank. Once the moisture inside the fuel lines freeze, your car won't start. When this happens, you'll need a jump-start to get your car started.
Your Spark Plugs Are Dirty
If you haven't had a tune-up in a while, the spark plugs might have gotten dirty. If they have, your car might not start the way it should. That's because dirt and grime can interfere with the connection. That's where a jump-start service comes in handy. Jump-starting your car improves the connection between your car and your spark plugs. This gives your spark plugs the jump they need to start your car.
Your Alternator Is Faulty
If there doesn't seem to be enough power to get your car started, you might think there's a problem with the battery. That might not be the case though. If your battery still has life left in it, there's a good chance that the problem rests in the alternator. If your alternator has worn out, it can't keep your battery charged. If that's happened, you're going to need a jump-start each time you start your car.
Your Starter Gave Out
If your starter is giving you problems, now's the time to replace it. Once the starter goes out, your car won't start. If you're not sure that this is the problem, listen to your car. If you hear a grinding noise when you try to start your car, you need a new starter. If you hear a grinding noise, and your car won't start, you need a jump-start service. A jump-start will get your car going until you can replace the starter.